- Ad-Hoc
InfoWare: Middleware Services for Information Sharing in Ad-hoc
Networks. Distributed Multimedia Systems Group, Department of
Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Oslo, Norway.
- "FleetNet - Internet on the Road", a
German project aiming at providing middleware services based on
adhoc vehicles networks.
- Aithne:
Middleware for Sentient Computing. An Irish project from the
Distributed Systems Group, Computer Science Department of Trinity
College of Dublin, Ireland.
- SECURE: Secure Environments for
Collaboration among Ubiquitous Roaming Entities. An IST project
investigating the design of dynamic and self-configuring security
mechanisms that are appropriate for global computing based on the
human notion of trust.
Ubi-bus: a concrete application of the work of the ACES team
from IRISA on digital ubiquity, and more specifically on the Spread
technology (Spatial PRogramming Environment Ambient computing
Design). This technology is meant to be integrated into objects to
implicitly constitute information systems based on the interactions
between these objects. In the case of Ubi-Bus, the objects are bus
stops, busses and transportation system users.
Cortex: The key objective of CORTEX is to explore the
fundamental theoretical and engineering issues necessary to support
the use of sentient objects to construct large-scale proactive
applications and thereby to validate the use of sentient objects as
a viable approach to the construction of applications that operate
independently of direct human control. Key characteristics of these
applications include sentience, autonomy, large scale, time and
safety criticality, geographical dispersion, mobility and
- The MMAPPS (Market Management of
Peer to Peer Services) project is researching how to use techniques
from economics and social science to tackle some of the fundamental
difficulties in creating well-founded, and therefore sustainable,
P2P applications. The project's central approach is to extend
techniques such as market management so that cooperation between
peers can be encouraged without damaging the community-oriented
structure of P2P architectures. Schemes combining micro-payment and
reputation (called ratings in this project) are supported.
- P2P_Architect: The main objective of the P2P_Architect project is to
enable software developing organisations to build dependable
software systems conforming to a P2P (peer-to-peer) architecture.
This will be achieved by defining and implementing a tool supported
methodology for ensuring at architectural level that dependability
requirements for software systems conforming to a P2P architecture
are met and validating it in real life applications from the
operation of typical enterprise (sub-) systems in a P2P computing