Fast Abstracts

Following a tradition established at the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing and continued since then, also in the framework of the **IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks**, and many other conferences, we are pleased to announce the Fast Abstracts Track at PRDC 2004. A Fast Abstract is a two-page paper written according to the standard double-column IEEE format; it is fast to write and fast to get international feedback. Fast Abstracts are intended as a light mechanism to:

  • Report on current work that may or may not be complete
  • Introduce new ideas to the community
  • State positions on controversial issues or open problems
  • Bring out new issues to investigate
  • Present experience obtained from practice

Contributions from academia and industry, that are relevant to the topics of the symposium, are welcomed. In particular, we invite engineers from the industry, who may not have enough time to write a full paper, to take this opportunity to exchange their ideas and solutions, as well as technical problems and practical experience, with the international community.

Participants in this Track will present a short talk and publish a concise two page abstract in the Supplement of the 2004 International Symposium Pacific Rim Dependable Computing.

Preparation and Submission

A Fast Abstract must be submitted in its final form, ready to be printed. It must be submitted in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF; .pdf file suffix). PDF can easily be generated by many applications, including Microsoft Word, via the commercial product Adobe Acrobat, or generated from PostScript by the ps2pdf utility, which is a part of the freeware package GNU GhostScript.

If it is not possible for you to submit PDF, please contact one of the Fast Abstracts program committee and make other arrangements.

Fast Abstracts are limited to two pages. Information on formatting dimensions ( .pdf | .doc ) and author guidelines ( .pdf | .doc ) are available. Before your Fast Abstract can appear, you must send us a copyright form ( .pdf | .doc ). (If you have problems downloading the .doc files, try right-clicking on the .doc link and then choose menu Save Link As (NetScape Navigator) or Save Target As (MS Internet Explorer) to save the file to your local disk.)

Please name your file something very likely to be unique and recognizable; we suggest a concatenation of the first author's last name and organizational abbreviation; e.g., "jones-cmu.pdf" or "leblanc-laas.pdf".

When you have your PDF file prepared, you may submit it electronically via the Fast Abstracts submission page. You will receive email acknowledging your submission.

Acceptance and Notification

Fast Abstracts will not be refereed. Instead they will be lightly screened by the Fast Abstracts program committee. The criteria for acceptance will be relevance and interest to the community. We will accept as many Fast Abstracts as possible, limited by the available presentation time at the conference. You will be notified when your submission has been screened and whether or not it was accepted.

Important Notes

The final submission deadline is December 15, 2003. However, the effective deadline will be earlier if the Fast Abstract slots are filled before then. So you are encouraged to send in your submission well in advance of the final deadline. The deadline for notification is January 9, 2004.

By submitting a Fast Abstract, you are committing yourself or one of your colleagues to present at the conference.

Questions or comments about the Fast Abstracts session should be directed to the Fast Abstracts Chair: Inhwan Lee.

Fast Abstracts Program Committee

Inhwan Lee (chair), Hanyang University (Korea)
Wendy Bartlett, HP (USA)
Takashi Nanya, University of Tokyo (Japan)