According to French Tax Laws (Article 259 A), any service or activity taking place on French territory is subject to19.60% VAT (value added tax).

VAT can be reclaimed for : Conference rooms and hiring of video equipment, stands, participation fees, carpeting, electricity, telephone, catering, flowers and decoration, transport of merchandise, security and cleaning of the stands.
Excluded : hotel accommodation for personnel and transport (taxis, car hire, fuel etc.)

Foreigners submitted to the VAT can recover it by contacting :

Direction des résidents à l'étranger et des services généraux
Centre des impôts des non résidents
Service inspection TVA
9 rue d'Uzès
TSA 39203
F-75094 Paris Cedex 2
Tél : +33 1 44 76 19 07 or 08 or 09
Fax : +33 1 44 76 18 74

  1. It concerns only the Industries and the Universities not located in France and not having commercial exchanges in France
  2. You can download the VAT refund form n° 3559.
    To help you fill out the form, you can download the notice on the arrangements for the refund of the French VAT
  3. If you are coming from a country of EC you can directly reclaim the VAT refund to Direction des résidents à l'étranger et des services généraux (address above)
  4. If you are coming from an other country, you have to use a fiscal representative in France to take the steps.