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Meeting Host |
Andràs Pataricza, Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Hungary |
Program-at-a-Glance and Contents
Workshop on Dependability and Fault Tolerance
Coordinators |
Andràs Pataricza, Paulo Veríssimo |
Introduction |
Session 1 |
Session 2 |
Session 3 |
Session 4 |
Session 5 |
Session 6 |
Paulo Veríssimo, Andràs Pataricza, Meeting Start: Introduction to the meeting and workshop |
John Meyer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Measures of System Quality: A 50-year Evolution |
Mootaz Elnozahy, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia The Challenges of Dependable High-Performance Computing at Exascale |
Mirek Malek, Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland Proactive Fault Management: Status and Perspectives |
David Powell, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France |
Ken Birman, Cornell University, USA GridCloud: Realtime infrastructure to monitor the smart power grid and host advanced power applications |
Phill Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA External Runtime Monitoring for Safety of Embedded Systems |
Luigi Romano, University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy Real-time SEC&DEP monitoring: make it a bundle |
Felicita Di Giandomenico, ISTI-CNRS, Pisa, Italy |
Algidras Avizienis, University of California Los Angeles, USA and Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania The Architecture of a Resilience Infrastructure for Computing and Communication Systems |
Jacob Abraham, University of Texas, Austin, USA Defects and Faults in Emerging Integrated Circuit Technologies |
Hermann Kopetz, Austria A Conceptual Model for the Information Transfer in System of Systems |
Jean Arlat, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France Session 3 Summary |
Stefan Poledna, TTTECH, Austria Architecture, Issues and Challenges for Safety Related Autonomous Systems |
Raimundo Macedo, University Federal da Bahia, Brazil Self-Manageable Protocols for Dependability |
Karthik Pattabiraman, University of British Colombia, Canada Why do Modern Web Applications Fail and What Can We Do About It? |
Phil Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Takashi Nanya, Canon, Inc., Japan Economics of Dependability (Research Proposal) |
Ravishankar K. Iyer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA From Measurements to Security Science: A Data Driven Approach |
Farman Jahanian, NSF, USA Emerging Frontiers in Dependability research |
Kevin Driscoll, Honeyewll, USA Murphy Was an Optimist |
Paulo Veríssimo, University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences, Portugal The BiobankCloud Project: Genomic data in the clouds, how risky? |
Stefan Poledna, TTTech, Austria Session 5 Summary |
Felicita Di Giandomenico, ISTI-CNR, Italy Smart Control of Energy Distribution Grids over Heterogeneous Communication Networks |
Antònio Casimiro, University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences, Portugal The KARYON approach for Safe Coordination in Cooperative Vehicular Systems |
Istvan Majzik, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Testing the robustness and safety of context-aware autonomous behavior |
Wilfried Steiner, TTTech, Austria Dependability of entering mainstream IT networking standards (IEEE 802.1) |
Tomohiro Yoneda, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Development of Dependable Network-on-Chip Platform (4) |
IFIP Working Group 10.4 business meeting |
Names and Contact Information |