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Initial Steps


Related Projects





(DEpendable Systems and Information infrastructures
- Research and Exploitation)

17 November 2002

Here we provide a first expansion of what was said about the proposed DeSIRE IP in the document “Dependability in Framework Programme 6”, of 4 November 2002. As that document explained, one possibility is to structure the DeSIRE IP using a matrix organization, as used by various companies that undertake multiple large system implementation projects. Such projects typically make use of (and challenge the limits of) a number of software and perhaps also hardware technologies. A matrix organization facilitates both co-ordination across projects, and technology development. In DeSIRE’s case the matrix columns will correspond to major sub-projects, the rows to particular dependability-related technologies - see illustrative diagram below.

At this stage we simply identify four technology rows in the matrix: rigorous design, at both the architectural and at various design levels (i.e. fault prevention); verification and validation (i.e. fault removal); fault tolerance (of both accidental and malicious faults); system evaluation (i.e. fault forecasting). Each given row represents activities aimed at (i) the deployment and refinement of any relevant tools and components, (ii) the provision of advice on their use, and (iii) the assessment of how effectively they are used in each relevant sub-project, and hence of their strengths and shortcomings.

Such a matrix would develop as the IP progresses and takes on additional sub-projects and starts considering additional dependability issues. At least three types of sub-project can be envisaged: application case studies, generic tool and component developments, and support measures. However, from the Expressions of Interest so far received, one can already envisage DeSIRE undertaking an initial set of major sub-projects such as is described below.

Application Case Studies

One planned category of major sub-projects is that of application case studies, ideally resulting in realistic demonstrator systems, designed to address new challenges and complement various aspects of current dependability practice. The aim in each case would be to find how best to make effective use of the most suitable current dependability technologies, so as to achieve the particular dependability attributes required.

Our aim is to have a small number of such case studies, each from a different application domain, which together provide a representative set of challenges and opportunities, and an effective means of furthering the cause of dependability in e-Europe, so-to-speak. Ideally, these case studies will be undertaken mainly by DeSIRE partners who have directly-related plans for full-scale development efforts. Such partners can thus ensure that case study specifications are adequately realistic, and that there is a reasonably direct exploitation channel for any results obtained and lessons learned.

The set of possible application studies – most of which are likely to concern the problems of computer-based systems (i.e. systems involving humans as well as computers) rather than just the technical problems associated with computer and communications hardware/software – could for example include ones in:

Aerospace: Most companies working in this domain are well experienced in the use of current fault management techniques and tools, though these are being challenged by the growth of system functionality and complexity, so the need for further dependability, and in particular safety, R&D is well-accepted. This need is particularly pressing given likely huge future systems involving worldwide networking and inter-working.

e-Business: for example the domain of large scale networked systems for business process integration, accounting, enterprise planning, etc. This is a very important application area, in which issues of dependability, and in particular of security of critical assets and business process availability in the face of intrusions from elsewhere in the worldwide network, and of actions by corrupt insiders, are becoming an ever-greater challenge.

Healthcare: for example related to information systems covering hospitals, drug supply and public health provision. With such systems, issues of the overall acceptability and effectiveness of the functionality provided, and in particular of the system’s mechanisms for achieving reliability and ensuring confidentiality, can pose very difficult socio-technical as well as technical challenges. (Additional major problems arise from the huge extent and the semi-structured nature of the information that has to be dealt with, and the need to be able to cope with all sorts of emergency situations.)

Interdependent Infrastructures: Europe’s power and water utilities, say, and its information infrastructure, have many interdependencies, of various types. These interdependencies form the potential sources for faults, and thus may need to be removed if at all possible unless means can be found for tolerating their effects. A set of interconnected infrastructures is itself a system, and in principle existing means of computer system modelling and analysis should be of direct applicability for assessing system-of-system dependability, at least as far as discrete behaviour of the information and other infrastructures is concerned. In practice issues of size and complexity may require new methods and tools. Co-operation between researchers in computer system dependability assessment, and those in infrastructure interdependency analysis, could thus be mutually beneficial. However, undertaking a full analysis of Europe’s critical infrastructures would be inappropriate for an IST R&D project, given the nature – as well as the scale – of the work that this would involve.

Needless to say, the above choice of examples is at this stage really just meant to be illustrative, since further consideration, and negotiations with prospective partners, could well result in significant changes to the above list.

Tools and Components

Another category of sub-project that we can envisage will be concerned with the development of new or improved dependability-related tools and components. The possible range of such tools and components is very large. Here we mention just three:

Dependability Case Support: The concept of a safety case readily generalizes to that of a dependability case, i.e. the set of arguments and evidence justifying any claims that are made about a given system’s future dependability. Tool support is needed for the creation, maintenance and analysis of such dependability cases, and in particular for assessing trade-offs between the various dependability attributes (e.g. availability and confidentiality), and for ensuring design traceability between dependability cases and system design decisions.

Intrusion Management: There is a need for generic system components that complement and enhance conventional intrusion detection techniques, through helping to minimize the harm and disruption caused by intrusions, and ideally even to mask their effects entirely, so that normal service can be continued while any damage is repaired and the sources of the intrusions are identified and dealt with.

Modelling and Simulation: There is a need for generic modeling tools capable to being used to simulate the dependencies between infrastructures, so as to assess fault propagation and their consequences on system failures.

Support Measures

Two likely sub-projects in this category concern (i) dependability policy support, and (ii) training, technology assessment, and encouragement of best practice. Dependability RTD in FP6 needs to relate not just to commercial and societal needs and to technology developments, but also to the world of government and multi-national industry policy-making. DeSIRE therefore also should provide support for effective dialogues between relevant policy makers and the dependability research communities - ideally so that each can learn from and influence the other. Similarly, DeSIRE must try to promulgate current best practice far beyond its own set of partners, in particular to many other industrial and government organisations working on turning the e-Europe plans into reality, based on assessment of the developed technologies with regard to project objectives and to interoperability, and where relevant involving the promotion of open source.

Concluding Remarks

Repeating a statement made in our document of 4 November, the initial partial formulation we have for DeSIRE’s “vision” is that over the next five-ten years:

(i) European industry should become capable of creating large scale ICT applications and services that demonstrably provide guaranteed and appropriately balanced levels of security, safety, availability, survivability, etc. based where appropriate on a warranted non-proprietary (open source) general purpose information infrastructure,

(ii) means will have been found for providing controlled and trustworthy evolution of the European information infrastructure, as networking becomes ever more pervasive, and new services are being used by very large numbers of often mobile and/or untrained users, and

(iii) an understanding will have been gained of the dependence of Europe’s various other critical infrastructures on the global information infrastructure, and appropriate measures taken to remove, or to tolerate the consequences of, undesirable interdependencies.

This present document has been prepared as an additional input to the discussions to be held at the upcoming DeSIRE/DeFINE Workshop (Pisa, 25-27 November). We must re-iterate that the discussion it provides is aimed merely at conveying in somewhat more detail than hitherto the general aims and intended style of the proposed DeSIRE IP, not at pre-empting decisions regarding its work plan, detailed preparation of which will start after the Workshop.

Tom Anderson
Brian Randel



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Last update 8 Nov 2002
Brian Randell