Computing and Fault Tolerance Research Group, LAAS-CNRS (France)
LAAS was established
in 1968. It is a laboratory of the CNRS, the French National Organisation for
Academic Scientific Research. LAAS has a permanent staff of over 270 (179 researchers
and 95 supporting personnel, either technical or administrative), plus 150 doctorate
students and 24 post-doc. The permanent research-staff includes CNRS personnel
(77), and faculty members (82), from University Paul Sabatier, the Toulouse
Polytechnic Institute and the National Institute for Applied Sciences, which
are three institutions officially associated with LAAS. Research carried out
at LAAS covers Automatic Control, Computer Science and Engineering, Microelectronics,
The research group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance, which is one
of twelve research groups at LAAS, has been active in the field of dependable
computing systems for twenty four years. The group is composed of 11 senior
researchers (CNRS and faculty members) plus 10 doctorate students. Its activities
cover fault tolerance, fault removal and fault forecasting. The research covers
a wide spectrum of fault classes and is structured according to four themes:
i) fault tolerance in distributed systems, ii) software testing, iii) fault
injection, and iv) probabilistic and statistical evaluation.
The overall aim of the group work is to develop methods for designing and validating
dependable computing systems, together with their supporting tools. Our methods
and tools are put into practice in applications from areas such as transportation,
energy production, services, defence, space, etc. The formulation of the basic
concepts of dependability is an underlying common factor for the group's activities.
The definition of our methods is carried out within co-operative projects. In
addition to the two IST projects that are currently running (DSoS and MAFTIA),
four projects have been performed: i) Delta-4 (Definition and Design of an open
Dependable Distributed systems architecture) in pre-competitive research, 1986-92,
ii) PDCS (Predictably Dependable Computing Systems) in basic research, 1989-94,
iii) DeVa (Design for validation), in Research Long Term, 1995-98, and iv) GUARDS
(Generic Upgradable Architectures for Real-Time Dependable Systems), in Research
Development, 1996-99.
With respect to the theme of the current proposal, it is noteworthy that the
work performed on dependability evaluation and fault injection gave rise to
the following six tools: SURF-2, for evaluation of dependability measures using
stochastic Petri Nets and Markov chains, MEFISTO-L, a fault-injection system
for VHDL simulation models, MAFALDA, a tool for analysing and implementing dependable
operating systems based on commercial micro-kernels, SESAME, a software mutation
environment aimed at validating software testing methods, SoRel, for the analysis
and evaluation of software reliability from statistical failure data and MESSALINE
a pin-level fault injector.
The group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance, has established
the Laboratory for Dependability Engineering (Laboratoire dIngénierie
de la Sûreté de fonctionnement LIS) together with five leading
industrial companies: Aerospatiale Matra Airbus, Électricité de
France, Matra Marconi Space France, Technicatome and Thomson-CSF. Hosted by
LAAS from July 1992 to June 2000, LIS was a cooperative laboratory in which
competencies and resources were put together to solve scientific and technical
problems that were considered as key problems by all the partners. The results
of these research activities could then be exploited by the various partners,
according to the specialisation required by their respective application domains.
It is worth mentioning the publication of The Dependability Handbook
(in French) in 1995-96; also a first draft of the English version is ready and
of Software Components and Dependability Integration of COTS
(in French) in 2000.
Relevant publications
J. Arlat, A. Costes, Y. Crouzet, J.-C. Laprie and D. Powell, Fault Injection
and Dependability Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Systems, IEEE Transactions
on Computers, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 913-923, 1993.
J.-C Laprie and K. Kanoun, Software Reliability and System Reliability,
Handbook for Software Reliability Engineering, Chapter 2, Ed. M. Lyu, McGraw-Hill,
J.C. Fabre, F. Salles, M. Rodriguez-Moreno, J. Arlat, Assessment of COTS
Microkernels by Fault Injection, Proc. IFIP 7th Working Conf. on Dependable
Computing in Critical Applications (DCCA-7), San Jose, CA, USA, pp. 19-38, January
1999 (IEEE CS Press).
K. Kanoun, M. Borrel, T. Morteveille and A. Peytavin Availability of CAUTRA,
a subset of the French Air Traffic Control System, IEEE Transactions on
Computers, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 528-535, 1999.
M. Rodríguez, F. Salles, J.-C. Fabre and J. Arlat, "MAFALDA: Microkernel
Assessment by Fault Injection and Design Aid", in Proc. 3rd European Dependable
Computing Conf. (EDCC-3), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 145-160, September 1999
CVs of Key persons to be involved
Jean Arlat is Directeur de Recherche at LAAS-CNRS. His research interests
focus on the evaluation of hardware-and-software fault-tolerant systems including
both analytical modelling and experimental fault injection approaches, subjects
on which he authored or co-authored more than seventy papers. From January 1997
to June 2000, he led the Laboratory for Dependability Engineering (LIS) that
was a co-operative laboratory hosted by LAAS. He also conducted various National
and European research contracts in ESPRIT and BRITE-EURAM Programmes, and has
been a consultant to several companies in France and in Europe. He co-chaired
the Program Committee of the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant
Computing (FTCS-28). He is member of the IEEE Computer Societys Technical
Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing that he chaired in 1994-1995. Since January
1999, he serves as Chair of the IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing
and Fault Tolerance.
Jean-Charles Fabre received his Doctorate in Computer Science in 1982
from the University of Toulouse (France) and was first involved in the Chorus
project at INRIA. Since 1984, he has been with the LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse working
in the Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance research group. His past and
current interests concern distributed algorithms, implementation validation
by fault-injection, fault and intrusion-tolerance in distributed systems. Today,
his activity is concerned with object-oriented development of fault and intrusion
dependable systems and validation of COTS microkernels by fault-injection. Author
or co-author of more 40 publications in conference proceedings, journals and
books, he has been involved in several ESPRIT projects (e.g. Delta-4, PDCS and
DeVa) and is consultant for industrial companies. Dr. Fabre served in many program
committees of international conferences and was program co-chair of the IEEE
1999 Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. He is member of the IEEE CS.
Karama Kanoun is Directeur de Recherche at LAAS-CNRS. She was Visiting
Professor at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, the second semester of
1998. Her research interests include modelling and evaluation of computer systems.
She has authored and co-authored more than ninety papers, conducted several
research contracts. She has been involved in the ESPRIT projects: Delta-4, PDCS,
Deva and GUARDS. She has been consultant for several European and French companies.
She served as Program Committee (PC) co-chair of the International Symposium
on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'94), General Chair of ISSRE'95 and
Safecomp'99, and PC co-chair of the international Conference on Dependable Systems
and Networks in 2000. She was Guest Editor of a Special Issue on Dependability
of Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, in 1998. She is Associated
Editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability. She is a project reviewer for the
EC and member of the IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Council on Software
Jean-Claude Laprie is Directeur de Recherche of CNRS, the French National
Organisation for Scientific Research. He joined LAAS-CNRS in 1968, where he
has directed the research group on Fault Tolerance and Dependable Computing
from 1975 to 1996. He has been Director of LAAS since 1997. His research has
focused on dependable computing since 1973, and especially on fault tolerance
and on dependability evaluations, subjects on which he has authored and co-authored
more than 100 papers, as well as co-authored or edited several books. He also
founded and directed, from 1992 to 1996, LIS, the Laboratory for Dependability
Engineering, a joint academia-industry laboratory. In 1984-1985, he was Chairman
of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing,
and has been Chairman of IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance
from 1986 to 1995. He received in 1992 the IFIP Silver Core, and in 1993 the
Silver Medal of the French Scientific Research.