Systems Research Group - University of Coimbra (Portugal)
The University of Coimbra
in Portugal is one of the oldest in Europe, having been founded in 1289.
It has about 20.000 students, of which 9.000 are in the Faculty of Science and
Technology, in whose Department of Informatics Engineering the Dependable Systems
Group is located. That group has been active since 1987, is presently led by
Prof. João Gabriel Silva and Prof. Henrique Madeira, and includes 2 other
professors, 6 Ph.D. students and 11 Master's students.
The main area of activity of the group has been the study of experimental techniques
for the evaluation and validation of fault-tolerant systems by fault injection.
Several pin-level fault-injectors have been developed in the past. More recently
software based fault injectors for the T805, PowerPC and Pentium processors
have been built. They all have been extensively used to evaluate various systems.
For instance, the RIFLE fault injector, a pin-level injector, has been used
in co-operation with the Brazilian Space Agency for the validation of the navigation
computer of a future Brazilian Satellite.
Other research areas in which the Dependable Systems research group is active
are database management systems (DBMS) dependability, behaviour based error
detection and fault-tolerance in parallel computing.
The experience of the group members in developing DBMS based applications is
also extensive - a particularly significant example has been the recent development
by us of the Portuguese system to control the fishing activities, (called SIFICAP)
including control of the fishing quotas - a very large system with more than
4000 users involving the Portuguese Navy, Air Force, Port Authorities, Fishing
Authorities and several Police Forces.
The group has also participated in project ESPRIT IV- 23516 - WINPAR -
Windows Based Parallel Computing, project ESPRIT III - 6731 "FTMPS
- A Practical Approach to Fault-Tolerance for Massive Parallel Systems",
and project EUREKA 1921 - "JAMES - Management of Telecommunication and
Data Networks using Mobile Agents and Java", besides a number of Portuguese
funded projects.
Relevant Publications
H. Madeira, M. Vieira and D. Costa, On the Emulation of Software Faults
by Software Fault Injection, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Dependable
Systems and Networks (DSN-2000), New York, USA, pp. 417-426, June 25-28, 2000
(IEEE CS Press)..
D. Costa, T. Rilho and H. Madeira, Joint Evaluation of Performance and
Robustness of a COTS DBMS Through Fault-Injection Proc. IEEE International Conference
on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN-2000), New York, USA, pp. 251-260, June
25-28, 2000 (IEEE CS Press).
J. Carreira, H. Madeira, J. G. Silva, "Xception: A technique for the evaluation
of dependability in modern Computers", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
Vol. 24, No. 2, February 1998, pp. 125-136.
M. Z. Rela, H. Madeira and J. G. Silva, "Experimental Evaluation of the
Fail-Silent Behaviour in Programs with Consistency Checks " Proc. 26th
IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-26), June 1996,
Sendai, Japan, pp 394-403, (IEEE CS Press).
J. Gabriel Silva, J. Carreira H. Madeira, D. Costa and F. Moreira "Experimental
Assessment of Parallel Systems" Proc. 26th IEEE International Symposium
on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-26), June 25-26, 1996, Sendai, Japan, pp 415-424,
(IEEE CS Press).
H. Madeira and J. G. Silva· "Experimental evaluation of the fail-silent
behavior in computers without error masking", Proc. 24th IEEE Fault Tolerant
Computing Symposium, FTCS 24, Austin, USA, June 1994, pp. 350-359, (IEEE CS
CVs of Key persons to be involved
Henrique Madeira is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer
Engineering of the University of Coimbra, where he has been involved in the
research on dependable computing since 1986. He received his Ph.D. in Computer
Engineering from the University of Coimbra in 1994. His main research interests
focus on experimental evaluation of dependable computing systems and error detection
mechanisms, subjects on which he has authored or co-authored more than forty
papers. Currently, taking advantage of his experience on giving lectures on
database systems, he is also doing research on the evaluation of the transaction
mechanisms available in commercial database management systems. He has co-ordinated
two research projects funded by the Portuguese government and has been in charge
of the development of several fault injectors, both pin-level and software based.
He also was responsible for several tasks in the ESPRIT project 6731 "FTMPS
- A Practical Approach to Fault-Tolerant Massively Parallel Systems". He
is currently the Vice-Chair of the IFIP Working Group 10.4 Special Interest
Group (SIG) on Dependability Benchmarking, established in the summer of 1999
by IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance. He has
been asked to be referee for several international conferences and journals
and he has served on program committees of the major conferences of the Fault-Tolerance
João Gabriel Silva is an associate professor and chair of the
Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra. He has been
involved in the research on dependable computing since 1986. He received his
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Coimbra in 1988. He has
published many papers on fault-injection, error detection mechanisms, dependable
distributed computing and parallel programming. From 1980 to 1984, he led the
development group that designed the first Portuguese personal computer to be
produced commercially. He has participated in many industry-university co-operation
projects. More recently, he co-ordinated the University of Coimbra participation
in the ESPRIT project 6731 "FTMPS - A Practical Approach to Fault-Tolerant
Massively Parallel Systems" and the ESPRIT Project 23516 " Winpar
- Windows Based Parallel Computing". He was the Program Co-Chair of the
second European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-2), and has been a member
of the Program Committee of many International Conferences including the IEEE
International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, the European Workshop on
Dependable Computing and the Euromicro Workshop on Dependable Systems.